Digital Advertising Costs are Rising – Help!

rising advertising costs

Businesses are already dealing with inflation and now, even advertising costs are rising! As more people spend online, more and more business owners advertise and this snowballs into:

  • More competition—in and out of your business’ niche
  • Less visibility, which is impacted by campaign prices
  • Higher demand for digital ad space and/or premium campaigns

With all businesses competing for ways to be noticed, it also becomes harder to keep up with trends and strategies to be noticed. If unable to keep up with skyrocketing digital marketing costs, business owners may end up getting left behind and unnoticed as other competitors take the lead.

Don’t worry, though, as there are still a few things you can do to help manage costs and supplement whatever paid campaigns you may already have in place. Here are some ways you can still get seen without paying a premium:

  • Leveraging organic search or making the most use of SEO (search engine optimization). By creating helpful, educational content that users are looking for, Google ranks your website each time it does its crawl for useful content. With a website that has content that answers questions and provides information on goods and services, you increase the chances of getting more organic views when potential clients do a Google search of what they need.


  • Continuously establishing your online presence. Whether it’s your Google My Business profile displaying your contact information or Instagram account which serves as your visual portfolio, showing potential clients that you’re active online builds client confidence and shows that you’re an operational business they can reach through convenient online platforms.


  • Providing value where you can, whenever you can. Relevance has always been something of high value when it comes to content, on and offline. With fast-paced platforms like TikTok which serve as discovery avenues for both content creators and businesses alike, being able to offer relevant content all the time matters! Review information you’ve gathered from previous surveys and pair it with current market trends regarding your target market to come up with fresh content that serves a purpose. Whether it’s answering FAQ’s to sharing news relevant to your niche, being that knowledgeable source helps your potential clients have a positive recall of your brand!


  • Making the most out of your content. If you have content you can split into smaller, more digestible bits of information, don’t hesitate to offer it to your target audience in that manner. There’s a reason why Instagram Reels and TikTok videos are so short—to keep the viewers’ attention. Be concise where you can and post consistently so that the platform’s algorithm picks up on your business’ profile. Being active will bump you up and increase your chances for organic discovery.


Sounds like a lot of work, right? It is, and it can be quite overwhelming, taking your time away from doing more of that you love. We understand you’re busy and don’t have time to create engaging content your audience will engage with while simultaneously finding the time to manage and scale your ads. This is why we’re here to help.

Book a free discovery call today to learn more! We can get to know each other and find solutions to help you grow your business—not your payroll! We’ll focus on finding our what your business needs, where it can be improved, and what solutions are available to keep you at the top of your game. We approach each client’s business as it it’s our own which allows us to think of the best possible ways to unlock their full potential and help them achieve their goals.